Published in Business Live, Brian Eagar’s article provides some insight into the mental health realities of business founders, entrepreneurs, and executives.
Would you get ‘Democratically’ Elected as a Leader?
We asked a few questions to leaders (and those who report to them) about the leadership behaviours that would result in a business leader ‘being elected’. The outcome is here:
13 Years after Brian’s first article on failures in leadership, one of the main leadership weaknesses today remains the same. Read Brian’s #BizTrends2024 article here:
Leading the new era
In this article, Brian Eagar introduces a new era of leadership. This encompasses a shift from authoritarian and bureaucratic stagnation to agile and inclusive leadership.
What makes a great company culture? Finding that elusive X-factor
As published in African Business Quarterly, Bizcommunity and Your Business Magazine. This article by Brian Eagar illustrates how collaboration in leadership (which Mandela Month brings to the fore) can combat youth unemployment.
Honouring Madiba’s legacy through collaborative leadership for empowerment and transformation
This article by Brian Eagar illustrates how collaboration in leadership (which Mandela Month brings to the fore) can combat youth unemployment.
The role of leadership in supporting mental health and wellbeing in the workplace
Published in African Business Quarterly during Mental Health Awareness Month, Brian Eagar details why leaders need to care about mental health.
Power to the People
African Mining News ran Brian Eagar’s article “Power to the People”. It’s a thought provoking piece and with permission, the full article is available for download here.
How leaders uphold brand reputation
Published by Bizcommunity, this article by Brian Eagar emphasises the pivotal role that executives play as guardian of their organisations’ brands.