(NQF Level 5)

Our Higher Certificate in Management Practice (HCMP) qualification prepares and enables students to understand and integrate core management functions while developing their personal and professional effectiveness within the organisational framework.

HCMP is ideal for first-time, junior or middle managers responsible for managing and leading teams.

The programme comprises 12 modules facilitated over a one-year period.

As part of the development process, students are assessed on their knowledge, comprehension and application abilities through selected pre-work, prescribed reading, module assignments, action plans, case studies and group presentations.

Qualification Overview:

MODULE 1 - Creating Purpose and Setting Context

This module explores the importance of understanding the organisation’s purpose and context as well as how to engage a team to gain their buy-in.  

MODULE 2 - Introduction to Management Functions

This module promotes an understanding of the role of management in leadership by identifying techniques for managing and leading effectively. It also explores the relationship between core management functions and performance stability.

MODULE 3 - Interpersonal Effectiveness

This module explores the concepts of emotional and social intelligence and its relevance to individuals and teams as a vital component of organisational effectiveness. It furthermore identifies how managers can position their messages adequately to achieve the desired impact.

MODULE 4 - Team Effectiveness

This module explores the five phases of team development and how a manager should approach their team members based on an understanding of their own as well as their team members’ thinking styles. The aspects of team dynamics, team health, team accountability and the five dysfunctions of a leader are also discussed.

MODULE 5 - Organisational Ethics

This module explores the need for managers to behave in an ethical manner, and to encourage and inspire their team members to do the same as trust inspires loyalty from team members and customers.

MODULE 6 - Optimising Conflict

This module empowers students to proactively identify, assess and address conflict situations in the workplace.

Module 7 - Brand Ambassadorship

This module empowers students to understand the organisation’s brand promise and to contribute to the fulfilment of this promise through value-driven decision-making.

MODULE 8 - Embracing Diversity

This module promotes an understanding of diversity with the goal to optimise engagement between team members.

MODULE 9 - Human Resources

This module outlines the essential components necessary for effective management practice and promotes an understanding of how human resource practice is implemented within a specific operational scope.

MODULE 10 - Operations Management

This module empowers students to effectively apply the principles of production, services and logistics management within their roles.

MODULE 11 - Financial Management

This module outlines the importance of being financially responsible and accountable through diligent planning, proactive support, management practices and adaptability. It ensures that the student has a good understanding of the required financial tools to create an awareness of the flow of value throughout the organisation – whether they are directly involved in finances or not.

MODULE 12 - Marketing Management

This module empowers students to apply strategic marketing approaches to maintain, attract and sustain consumers.

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